Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jabreen Castle

The Jabreen Castle is a favorite stop for tourists in Oman. It has been well-kept and signs explaining the name and purpose of each room. There is even an audio tour available in several languages. We just walked around on our own and enjoyed exploring one of Oman's largest castles.

 We found the staircases to be VERY steep in most cases. This stairwell has Arabic inscriptions on the ceiling, probably Qura'anic.
Many of the ceilings are painted with these beautiful, intricate designs.

The view is great, but there aren't any safety measures to prevent people from going through the window and down 3 stories, so approach at your own risk!

View on the rooftop.

Some of the pottery and swords displayed in the castle

A traditional box on display - called a mandoos in Arabic.

View from the central courtyard looking up

The kitchen implements on display. These trays and pots are HUGE! Traditionally, they cook for a lot of people and eat communally. Several people gather around one large tray to eat.

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