Friday, April 5, 2013

Wadi's and 4x4s

There really is so much to catch up on from our first 6 months of life here, but for today, I'll just share some pictures from our recent adventures through a few local Wadis.

First, you're probably asking, "What on earth is a wadi?"
A wadi is basically a river-cut canyon. Some of these wadis still have pools of water and can be refreshing places for a swim (popular with Western expats), and others are all dried up. To get to any wadi, you need a good truck with 4-wheel-drive, and around here you may even need your 4-wheel-drive-low if you make it out of the rocks and encounter soft sand. They are great places for hiking, picnicing, camping and just getting out of town for a little while.

We also find ourselves making a lot of jokes about journeying through Mordor or driving on the moon since it is often rocky and foreign looking for us (and we are a little bit nerdy!).

Here are some favorite photos:

My handsome hubs next to a wadi

our awesome "new to us" 4x4
(check out the rock walls climbing friends!!!)

Having me in the picture gives a little bit of perspective so you can see how huge that canyon wall really is. The little rocks sticking out are really similar to an indoor climbing wall, but I'm not adventurous enough to go any higher.
We called this the stair to Mordor and came upon this view from the top:
If you drive far enough in one direction you eventually come to sand and....
There are tons more pictures we could share, but hopefully these give you a taste of desert life.

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